Physical/Chemical Data Form
To be conducted every month

Use this form and the Adopt-A-Stream methods to record important information about the health of your stream. By keeping accurate and consistent records of your physical/chemical tests, you can document current conditions and changes in water quality.

AAS group name: Brandon Court Monitoring Group County: Cobb
Group ID number AAS-G Topo Map
Site ID Number AAS-S
Stream name Etowah river streamlet
Certified QA/QC investigators:

Peter Pietrowski   
Registered participants:

Unregistered participants:
Number of participants:
Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Time: (hh:mm am/pm)
Time Spent Monitoring
Picture/Photo Documentation?
yes / no
Site/location Description: The stream lies in a wooded corridor with lots of vegetation on the banks of the river. The stream bed is lined with rocks, This section is nestled between two neighborhoods and feeds into a lake within a quarter of a mile away.
Rain in last 24 hours     Present conditions    
heavy rain steady rain heavy rain steady rain intermittent rain
intermittent rain none overcast partly cloudy clear/sunny
Amount of rain, if known? inches in last hours / days
BASIC TESTS: Sample 1 Sample 2 Result
Air Temperature (°C)
Water Temperature (°C)
pH (0 - 14)
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L or ppm)
Conductivity (µs/cm)
Alkalinity (mg/L or ppm)
Nitrate-Nitrogen (mg/L or ppm)
Ammonia-Nitrogen (mg/L or ppm)
Ortho-phosphate (mg/L or ppm)
Settleable Solids (mg/l)
Salinity (ppt)
Fecal Coliform (cfu / 100 mL)
Chlorophyll A (mg/L or ppm)
Turbidity (NTU)
Secchi Disk Depth (cm)
SPECIAL LAB ANALYSIS: Name of lab performing tests: